Digital Meditation Course!

Thank you so much for prioritizing kids’ health

by wanting them to learn how to meditate.

Click the button below to unlock this awesome digital course.

Discover simple and easy to follow breathing and meditation techniques.

Are you ready to embark on this amazing journey?

Healthy Habits = Happy Kids

I see these trends in children’s mental health problems as being critical, but there are solutions. If we refocus our efforts toward those solutions, we could see some of these tides turn.
— Psychologist Kimberly Hoagwood, PhD, a professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at New York University’s Grossman School of Medicine in 2023 APA Trend Report

With the Big Belly Breathing meditation program,

you invest in your kids’ health and future so they:

Hone their self-discipline skills while building positive habits and learn tools to process emotions.

  • Practice mindfulness, gratitude & breathing techniques as well as gain knowledge on nutrition and exercise.

Incorporate mini moments of rest throughout their day to help balance the external stimulation and multi-tasking demands of every day life.


  • The BBB program teaches kids how to thrive by educating them on how to set up, maintain and enjoy routines, rituals and habits.

    This is especially important now given the recent rise in mental health hospitalizations in the U.S as noted in this study or alarming articles such as this one alerting us about the teen mental health crisis.

    The BBB program is based on the 4 pillars of the motto: Breathe Move Eat Rest.

    Each pillar is foundational for one’s health.

    Kids learn and interact with these 4 pillars through a variety of ways.

    Children benefit from structure and routines. With this in mind, BBB assists kids to establish healthy habits by providing them with tools that they can use daily and as needed.

    BBB focuses on developing habits and routines.

    In addition to moving and breathing, kids write, respond, create, draw, brainstorm and reflect in their journals.

    By keeping track of their own progress and reflections about health topics, kids become responsible for their health.

  • There are so many health benefits when kids engage in the BBB program!

    Kids and their growing bodies, brains and hearts need lots of rest and with these tools, kids’ experience a multitude of mini-moments of deep rest and peace, thus liberating their creativity and ability to be more attentive.

    BREATHE: By focusing on breathing, kids improve their ability to be present and mindful. This helps with increasing their ability to focus. From these states of “flow”, kids unleash their creativity.

    MOVE: By practicing yoga and exercise, kids improve their core strength, flexibility and endurance. This focus on movement and improves kids’ cardiovascular health and connection to their bodies.

    EAT: By learning and reflecting about nutrition, kids expand their repertoire of what it means to eat healthy and take greater responsibility in making their own healthy choices.

    REST: By slowing down and prioritizing resting eyes, slow breathing, and focusing on body scans, kids quiet their minds, hearts and bodies and allow their cells to restore and heal.

    Kids learn to take care of themselves, and reap the health benefits!

    They grow stronger in many areas and decrease their anxiety, depression, low confidence, and low energy.

    By implementing the routines and rituals they learn with BBB, kids will have more energy, higher attention spans, more creativity, sleep better, understand how to make healthy food choices and a better relationship with themselves and others.

    Also check out this a wealth of research supporting the health benefits of yoga!

  • Ultimately, by using these tools kids will improve their mind, body & heart health and will grow into more thoughtful, inclusive, dynamic and health conscious adults.

    When kids learn how to prioritize sticking to routines and rituals at a young age, they learn self-discipline and carry these habits into teen and adult hood.

Growing pains and challenges are a normal and important part of life and self-development.

However, the increase in youth anxiety, depression, bullying and self-harm behaviors indicates that children need extra resources to navigate stress and maximize their potential.