Newsletter August 2023

Hello friends!

I’m thrilled to announce that the latest guided meditations are posted (batch #3, yeah!), as well as some exciting nuggets and the creation of a monthly newsletter. 

All episodes are in French and English, have attached transcripts, and can be used in the car, the classroom, at home or wherever you want to grow mindfulness. 🎧🚗✈️🏠⛺🌟

🎉Big Belly Breathing Newsletter 🎉

🌈 Theme & Breathing Practice 🌬️

Join me as we embark on a magical journey through renewal-inspired tales and adventures that are sure to ignite your child's imagination and curiosity. 

In this edition, we're focusing on cultivating inner calm and tranquility through our special rainbow breathing practice.

🌿 Holistic Health Habits💦

This month let’s focus on the importance of sweating

For some, this happened more over the summer and for others, it was less. However, regardless of your and your child’s summer sweat routines, it’s time to get into a new sweat filled ritual with the start of the new school year. 

We all know the health benefits of sweating but let’s take one more moment to review just why sweating is so incredibly important for our brains, bodies and hearts:

💧 Emotional Release: Sweating helps release endorphins – those wonderful natural mood lifters – which can significantly improve our outlooks and boost feelings of happiness.

🔮 Stress Relief: Engaging in physical activity that makes us sweat can be a powerful stress reliever, easing tension and promoting relaxation.

🌬️ Anxiety Management: Sweating can mimic the physiological changes that occur during moments of anxiety, providing a controlled environment for our body to adapt and become more resilient.

🌪️ Detoxification: Through sweat, our body eliminates toxins and impurities, giving our internal systems a refreshing cleanse.

So, the next time you lace up those sneakers or step into a sauna, remember that you're not only nurturing your body but also nurturing your mind. Sweating it out can be an incredible tool for managing stress, lifting your spirits, and finding moments of calm. 💪🌟 

Ok, so the hardest part is not actually sweating but establishing and sticking to a sweat routine. Here are some ideas:

  • Don’t sweat alone. Grab your friend, either in reality or virtually, and sweat together. It’s more fun. Join me at Core Power Yoga class in SF, either one I’m teaching or just attending! It’s hot yoga so the sweat is magnified. Yahoo!

  • Establish a schedule that works for you. Three mornings a week before you get up, or late afternoon once you return from work or school. Whatever it is, just aim to sweat at least 3 times per week.

  • Effort and reward: what’s your reward for increasing the sweat in your life? Is it that you treat yourself to an ice cold green tea, a celebratory nap, or tv show or you put $5 in a jar and at the end of the month you splurge on treats for yourself? Choose a reward that will motivate you and have fun with this idea.

Embrace the transformative power of sweating, not just for your body, but for your mind too. Let's sweat it out and let those positive vibes flow.  

📚 Things I’m Into These Days📚🎨

This segment is your sneak peek into a few things that spark joy or curiosity. Here are my latest obsessions. What are yours?! Puhhhhhleeeez email me with your current gems. 

  • Vamigas skin care products: As much as I’m obsessed with French skincare products (if you know me, you know me), I can’t wait to return to San Francisco to use my Vamigas oils! I love this line, created with wild harvested and ethically sourced plants and using ancient Latina grandma recipes and beauty secrets carried down through generations. Also, easily found at Target (not yet at Monoprix).

  • Pops of neon: They say that your early years are the most formative. Born in 1979, this implies that the 80’s with all their rock n’ roll glory and neon hues, heavily shaped who I am today. I’m not denying my attraction to the flair of a little neon. In my forties, I’m not necessarily going full neon all the time, but my joy peaks when there’s a line or two of neon in contrast to a non-neon palette (picture a strip of hot pink next to a medley of forest green, pale baby pink, black and white). One fun neon thing in the world:

    • Painter David Pher. His art is rad. Huge abstract bold bright canvases. Love his colors, shapes, vibe, mood.

  • Rampant Wine Co Wine Club: Who wants to embark on a natural wine club with me? These guys are located in the outer Richmond, San Francisco. They’re into hot dog (aka Glizzy’s)/wine pop up neighborhood parties and have curated a fine looking list for their club. 

  • Books: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver. She’s incredible. This time, she takes you to rural Tennessee for a moving portrayal of how deeply kids and adults are impacted by the brutal opioid crisis in America. Love how she is able to have you care so much for these characters, and simultaneously rage so hard at the injustice of capitalism and big pharma. It’s a goooood one. 

Stay tuned for the next episodes of Big Belly Breathing, where we strive to spark creativity, mindfulness, and joy in your little ones' lives.

Thank you for your enthusiasm, in whatever form it has taken❤️

Spread the word, listen to the pod, buy the merch and stay in touch~

Take BIG care, 

Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely

Host of Big Belly Breathing 

P.S. Stay connected on Instagram or TikTok💌📲

P.P.S. Here are a few links to recent articles I wrote: 

P.P.P.S. Here’s the same letter in français


Newsletter September 2023


Blog Post #4: The Gift of Meditation- A Life-Changing Journey